Celebrate with the Rocky Patel Sixty Cigar: A Tribute to Excellence
Join the celebration as Rocky Patel, the renowned figure in the cigar industry, commemorates his 60th birthday with the exceptional Rocky Patel Sixty cigar. This unique creation, inspired by six decades of passion and expertise, is destined to become a legendary addition to the cigar world.
Expertly crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, the Rocky Patel Sixty undergoes an extensive aging process of no less than two years before it graces the shelves. This cigar boasts a rich blend of Nicaraguan binder and long fillers, all wrapped in a stunning dark Mexican San Andres wrapper. The result is a medium to full-bodied smoke, brimming with earthy and woody notes, offering a truly remarkable experience.
Discover the essence of Rocky Patel's artistry with the Sixty—a celebration of quality, maturity, and exceptional flavor.
This cigar size is 6x52 Toro