Alec Bradley - Maxx Super Freak
Alec Bradley Maxx is a line of cigars renowned for their substantial sizes and flavorful blends. These cigars deliver a full-bodied smoking experience, featuring a diverse selection of tobaccos from various regions. If you seek a robust and intricate cigar, the Alec Bradley Maxx series offers a compelling option.
MAXX cigars were crafted to offer a nuanced and balanced character, steering clear of overpowering intensity. Enveloped in a dark Nicaraguan maduro leaf, this cigar features a sophisticated blend of tobaccos from four countries, tethered by a flavorful Costa Rican binder. The enticing combination of Colombian, Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Mexican tobaccos results in a medium to full-bodied blend that starts off smoothly but unfolds with toasty, earthy notes and a lingering natural sweetness in the aftertaste. Despite its impressive qualities, the MAXX cigar maintains a wonderful sense of balance.
Size: 8.5” x 60