Luciano - Foreign Affair Torpedo
Foreign Affair Cigars are crafted to harness tobacco's unique power to connect people, offering a rich array of flavors that bridge the gap between smokers. Designed by true enthusiasts, this cigar reflects the deep passion its creators have for the art of smoking, evident in every satisfying draw.
Expertly blended with a lively mix of tobaccos from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic, this cigar is wrapped in a combination of Ecuadorian and Sumatran leaves, with a dual binder of Nicaraguan and Sumatran tobaccos. This intricate blend results in a distinctive flavor profile, bursting with notes of pepper, citrus, chocolate, vanilla, and black tea. Perfect for sharing with friends, both old and new, Foreign Affair Cigars offer a memorable smoking experience that brings people together.
Cigar size is 6x54 Torpedo