With over 70 cigar brands, the company has expanded to become a popular online retailer, serving customers all across Canada. Despite its growth, Smoke Master Cigars remains committed to providing the best possible cigar shopping experience.
Growing up in the southern part of Lebanon, Moe Mokbel was exposed to a diverse range of cigar brands from an early age. The region was home to many tobacco fields, and during the 1970s, Lebanon’s cigar industry was thriving, with many of the world’s largest cigar brands having a strong market presence in the country. The fertile soil produced high-quality tobacco, which was used to create some of the world’s finest cigars.
Moe’s career path led him to the electrical field, but he still pursued his passion for cigars on the side. However, the 1970s in Lebanon were marked by political turmoil and civil unrest, with the country on the verge of civil war. The economic and social instability of the time made living in Lebanon difficult, prompting Moe Mokbel to relocate to Canada in the early 1980s.
With over 70 cigar brands, the company has expanded to become a popular online retailer, serving customers all across Canada. Despite its growth, Smoke Master Cigars remains committed to providing the best possible cigar shopping experience.
Moe had a strong affection for Canada and worked as an electrician for almost 15 years before developing rheumatoid arthritis, which made it necessary for him to retire early from his physically demanding electrical job. Due to this, he had to find a less physically challenging profession. Moe decided to pursue his passion for cigars and opened his first store in the early 2000s at 209 Carlton Street, St. Catharines Ontario.
Today, Smoke Master Cigars has grown from a small store with two humidors to a spacious new location at 145 Carlton Street in St. Catharines. This location houses 11 double-door humidors and over 70 cigar brands. In 2024, we expanded further by opening a second location at 1476 Dundas St E Unit #11, Mississauga, which features a walk-in humidor. The company has also expanded to become a popular online retailer, serving customers all across Canada. Despite its growth, Smoke Master Cigars remains committed to providing the best possible cigar shopping experience.
Ahmad with two smoke master customers at one of their cigar night events.
At Smoke Master Cigars, their mission is to share their passion for cigars with everyone.
This passion has been passed down through generations, with Moe’s sons Ahmad and Youssef now integral parts of the business. Having grown up helping out in the store from a young age, they share their father’s passion for creating an exceptional cigar experience.
In addition to offering a wide selection of premium cigars, Smoke Master Cigars hosts community events like cigar nights. These events provide an opportunity for fellow cigar enthusiasts and members of the community to come together and enjoy great food, and of course, cigars. Vendors are often on hand, and giveaways are a regular occurrence. These events have become a popular fixture in the community, and the team at Smoke Master Cigars is committed to expanding their reach and sharing their passion for cigars with everyone.
Youssef discussing the qualities of the cigars.
If you’re a cigar aficionado, or simply curious about the world of premium cigars, we invite you to come visit Smoke Master Cigars in St. Catharines or explore their selection online.
With over 70 cigar brands to choose from, there’s something for everyone. And if you’re not able to visit the store in person, you can easily purchase your favorite cigars online and have them shipped right to your doorstep.In addition to their exceptional selection of premium cigars, Smoke Master Cigars hosts community events like cigar night for a truly unforgettable experience. With great food, music, and giveaways, these events have become a popular fixture in the community. Smoke Master Cigars also shares their passion for cigars through their online blog and podcast, which feature a variety of guests including cigar brand CEOs and other enthusiasts.
Youssef enjoys the My Father Flor De Las Antillas as his main go to cigar.
My Father is an iconic global cigar brand that has produced numerous award winning blends. Brand owner Don Pepin Garcia uses powerful Nicaraguan tobaccos and masterfully blends some of the most flavorful and delicious cigars that are available in the Smoke Master catalog.
Mustapha enjoys a Bolivar Belicosos Finos, one of the most recognized Cuban brands available on the market.
It is known to be a more full bodied Cuban blend, producing complex yet balanced notes of coffee, subtle spice and hints of sweetness all the way throughout the blend.
Ahmad’s favourite cigar is a Partagas Serie D #4, a supreme iconic Cuban blend which has captured the hearts of many.
One might argue it is the most famous Robusto sized cigar on the market, known for its superior flavour and notes of creamy, hay, earth and pepper. Partagas continues to make outstanding blends in multiple sizes, which are all available in the Smoke Master Cigar catalog.