Matilde Serena Toro
Matilde Serena Toro is a premium cigar that is carefully crafted with the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. This exceptional cigar is a testament to the expertise and craftsmanship of the Matilde brand.
The cigar is wrapped in a beautiful and oily Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, which gives it a smooth and velvety appearance. The filler is a blend of aged Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, which lend the cigar a complex and balanced flavor profile.
Matilde Serena Toro is a mild to medium bodied cigar that is full of character and depth. It has a rich, creamy flavor with notes of cedar, espresso, and dark chocolate. The cigar has a perfect draw, which allows the flavors to be fully enjoyed without overpowering the palate.
The construction of the cigar is top-notch, ensuring an even burn and an ash that holds firm. The tobacco has been aged to perfection, ensuring a smooth and refined smoking experience.
This cigar size is a 6x52 Toro.