Casa Turrent 1880 Maduro Toro
Casa Turrent 1880 Maduro is a premium cigar crafted by one of the most prestigious cigar makers in the world. This cigar is a true work of art, made with the finest tobacco leaves from the Turrent family's own fields in San Andrés, Mexico.
The cigar features a dark and oily San Andrés Maduro wrapper, which is known for its bold and rich flavor profile. The wrapper is expertly wrapped around a blend of high-quality Mexican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, creating a complex and well-balanced smoke that is perfect for seasoned cigar aficionados.
Casa Turrent 1880 Maduro is a medium to full-bodied cigar with notes of dark chocolate, coffee, and spices. The cigar is well-constructed and burns evenly, producing a thick and creamy smoke that is sure to satisfy the most discerning palate.
This cigar size is a 6 1/2 x 52.