Epic La Rubia Tubo - Toro
Since its launch in 2016, the Epic La Rubia cigar line has become a beloved staple in the humidors of serious cigar lovers nationwide. It’s no surprise, as every La Rubia cigar is meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using the finest long-fillers from both the region and Nicaragua. These tobaccos are carefully aged and blended with premium San Andres binders, then beautifully finished with hand-selected Connecticut wrappers from Ecuador, ensuring the high-quality standards required for a cigar to earn the coveted Epic band.
Whether you're a long-time cigar enthusiast or a beginner looking for a premium experience, these mild to medium-bodied cigars offer a flavorful and aromatic treat. La Rubia’s blend will change any outdated ideas you may have about Connecticut-wrapped cigars—this isn’t just another blonde cigar, it’s truly an Epic La Rubia!
This cigar size is 6.5 x 52 Toro