Gurkha 125th Anniversary: A Celebration of Excellence
Reaching 125 years is a monumental achievement, especially in the cigar industry. Gurkha continues to thrive, thanks to its extensive range of top-tier blends. Among them, the Gurkha 125th Anniversary stands out as a strong contender for the best.
This cigar features an exquisite Cuban-seed Brazilian Habano wrapper, enticing you with its oily sheen and rich appearance. However, the true essence lies within, where a sophisticated blend of bold Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Brazilian long-fillers creates a savory core. The result is a smooth and balanced medium to full-bodied smoke, brimming with intricate flavors. Expect a parade of rich tobacco, sweet spices, vanilla, coffee, and roasted nuts.
The finishing touch is its award-winning band, recognized with the 2012 Golden Label Printing Award. It’s one of the most visually striking and luxurious bands, perfectly complementing this remarkable cigar. Enjoy the Gurkha 125th Anniversary—a blend that honors a legacy of excellence.
This cigar is a 5x52 Robusto