Gurkha - Heritage Robusto
Discover Gurkha Heritage: A Pinnacle of Cigar Excellence
Gurkha cigars are often hailed as the "Rolls Royce of cigars," known for their luxurious quality and exquisite packaging. With a reputation for creating some of the world's most sought-after blends, including the famed His Majesty’s Reserve, Gurkha is celebrated for using rare and vintage tobaccos in their creations.
Produced at American Caribbean Cigars in Nicaragua, the Gurkha Heritage showcases an Ecuador Habana Rosado wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of long-fillers from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Pennsylvania. This medium to full-bodied cigar offers a rich and savory flavor profile, making it a true delight for seasoned aficionados while remaining accessible to all cigar enthusiasts.
Experience the Gurkha Heritage—a blend that exemplifies the art of premium cigar making, delivering a luxurious and flavorful smoking experience.
Cigar size is 5x55 Robusto