All About Perdomo Cigars
Perdomo Cigars began their journey in a small factory in Little Havana with big dreams of crafting some of the best cigars in the industry. They eventually moved their operations to Nicaragua, where they established a state-of-the-art factory. Today, Perdomo Cigars is one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world, producing a wide range of premium cigars enjoyed by smokers globally. The company prides itself on using only the finest tobacco, much of which is grown on its own farms, offering a variety of flavors and strengths to suit every smoker’s taste.
The Journey to Excellence
Perdomo Cigars’ dedication to quality and innovation has set them apart in the cigar industry. The move to Nicaragua allowed them to access some of the best tobacco-growing regions, enabling them to produce cigars of exceptional quality. The state-of-the-art factory in Nicaragua is a testament to their commitment to excellence, where each cigar is crafted with precision and care.
The 12 Year Bourbon Barrel Aged Cigar
One of Perdomo’s most popular products is the 12 Year Bourbon Barrel Aged Cigar. This unique cigar is made by aging the tobacco for 12 long years in oak bourbon barrels, imparting a rich and complex flavor that has won over many cigar aficionados. The bourbon barrel aging process enhances the tobacco’s natural flavors, adding a delicious depth and complexity that sets this cigar apart from others on the market.
Family-Owned Dedication
Despite its global success, Perdomo Cigars remains a family-owned and operated business. Nick Perdomo oversees the entire production process, ensuring that every cigar meets the company’s high standards of quality. This dedication to tradition and excellence has made Perdomo Cigars a favorite among cigar enthusiasts around the world.
Experience Perdomo Cigars
Experience the rich and complex flavors of Perdomo Cigars and discover why they are regarded as some of the best in the business. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, Perdomo offers a range of blends to suit your palate.
Explore our collection of Perdomo Cigars at Smoke Master Cigars and find your new favorite.
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Thank you for choosing Smoke Master Cigars. Enjoy the exceptional quality and flavor of Perdomo Cigars!