Winter Cigar Recommendations for the Season
Hello, everyone! As the winter season settles in soon, cigar aficionados everywhere are adjusting their cigar choices to accommodate the colder weather. Today, I want to discuss some of my favorite shorter cigar formats that are perfect for this time of year. These selections are not only convenient but also deliver the rich flavors you crave. Here’s a quick recap of some standout options in our humidor that I think will interest many cigar smokers across Canada.
Arista Baba and Chico Sizes
First on my list are the Arista Bubba and Chico sizes. These compact cigars are perfect for a quick smoke in the cold weather. The size formats for these cigars are 4 x 38 for the Baba and 3 1/2 x 50 for the Chico. They are currently offered in both Maduro and Habano blends.
Why Arista is Perfect for Winter
The Arista series in the short format is a very manageable smoke around this time of year because it lasts no more than 40 minutes tops, depending on your puffing pace. Despite their short format size, these cigars use long filler leaves inside, allowing them to burn longer than you might expect. Whether you prefer a medium or full-bodied smoke, the flavors from the Maduro or Habano blends are perfectly balanced, making these cigars a must-try in every cigar aficionado’s winter rotation.
Benefits of Shorter Cigars in Winter
Shorter cigars are ideal for winter smoking sessions. They allow you to enjoy a satisfying smoke without spending too much time outdoors in the cold. The Arista Bubba and Chico sizes provide a premium quality smoking experience without the lengthy commitment of larger cigars.
Manageable and Affordable
If you’re a winter cigar smoker looking for a manageable, affordable, yet still premium quality smoke, the Arista Baba or Chico sizes should be your go-to choice. They are currently available in packs of five or boxes of 50, ensuring you have plenty of cigars to enjoy throughout the season.
Explore Our Diverse Selections
At Smoke Master Cigars, we take pride in offering a wide range of premium cigars to suit every preference. Our winter selections are carefully curated to ensure you can enjoy a great smoke, no matter the weather.
Check out the Arista Bubba and Chico sizes and other great winter cigars on our website. Watch our interview with Sal, owner of the Arista brand