Quorum Cigars in Canada! Shade, Classic & Maduro!
Introducing Quorum Cigars: The Premier Choice for Discerning Smokers
In the world of cigars, there are brands that stand out for their quality, consistency, and affordability. Among them, Quorum Cigars shines as a beacon of excellence. Today, we delve into the rich history and exquisite blends of Quorum, a brand that has quickly risen to become the number one imported handmade bundle in the world.
A Brief History
Quorum Cigars traces its roots back to the heart of Nicaragua, where it was founded with a simple yet ambitious vision: to create premium cigars that offer exceptional quality without breaking the bank. Since its inception, Quorum has stayed true to its mission, delivering on its promise of excellence with each and every cigar produced.
The Rise to Prominence
What sets Quorum apart from the competition is its remarkable journey to becoming the top choice for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Despite being a relatively young brand, Quorum quickly gained recognition for its dedication to craftsmanship and affordability. This rapid ascent can be attributed to several key factors, including meticulous attention to detail in the blending process, uncompromising quality control measures, and a commitment to providing exceptional value to customers.
The Three Distinct Blends
One of the hallmarks of Quorum Cigars is its diverse range of blends, each offering a unique smoking experience tailored to different preferences. Let's take a closer look at the three signature blends:
Shade: The Shade blend features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper paired with a Sumatra Sungrown binder. This combination results in a mild flavor profile that is perfect for those seeking a smooth and subtle smoking experience.
Classic: True to its name, the Classic blend embodies timeless elegance and sophistication. It utilizes a Sumatra Sungrown wrapper, but with a distinct binder and filler composition that sets it apart from the Shade blend. Expect a medium-bodied smoke with rich flavors and a satisfying finish.
Maduro: For aficionados craving a bolder and more robust smoking experience, the Maduro blend is the perfect choice. With a Connecticut Broadleaf binder complementing the Sumatra Sungrown wrapper, this blend offers a full-bodied flavor profile with hints of complexity and depth.
Cuban Sandwich Style Blend
What truly sets Quorum Cigars apart is its innovative Cuban sandwich style blend, incorporating both long and short filler tobaccos. This unique approach not only enhances the smoking experience but also helps keep the cost reasonable without compromising on quality. It's a win-win for cigar enthusiasts looking to indulge in premium cigars without breaking the bank.
Captivating the Canadian Market
This phenomenal brand has captivated the attention of Canadian cigar smokers in the Canadian market due to its economical price point. Offered in bundles of 20, Quorum cigars come in multiple sizes including: 4 3/4x50 Robusto, 6x50 Toro & 7x48 Churchill, catering to a variety of preferences and occasions. Here is a link to a guide on how to smoke & enjoy a cigar!
In conclusion, Quorum Cigars has firmly established itself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of cigars. With its rich history, diverse range of blends, and unwavering commitment to quality and affordability, Quorum continues to delight smokers around the globe. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned aficionado, Quorum has something to offer for every palate. So why not elevate your smoking experience with Quorum Cigars today? You get free shipping on all orders over $99!