Gurkha's 125th Anniversary Cigar: A Legacy of Excellence
Celebrating 125 years is no small feat, especially in the world of cigars. Gurkha continues to impress with a diverse lineup of top-notch blends, and the Gurkha 125th Anniversary cigar is a standout example.
Wrapped in a lustrous Cuban-seed Brazilian Habano leaf, this cigar beckons with its oily texture and stunning appearance. Underneath, a blend of bold Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Brazilian long-fillers creates a flavorful core. This medium to full-bodied cigar offers a smooth and balanced smoking experience, featuring rich tobacco, sweet spices, vanilla, coffee, and roasted nuts.
Enhancing its allure is the striking band, recognized with the prestigious 2012 Golden Label Printing Award. It adds a touch of luxury to this exceptional handmade cigar. Celebrate Gurkha's legacy with the 125th Anniversary—a testament to enduring quality and craftsmanship.
This cigar size is 6.5x53 Torpedo